domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010



At the beginning of the letter John tells Abigail that he would've love to go with her to Plymouth with her. John Adams also thanks the collaboration of Dr. Bulfinches for opening an hospital and for inoculating Abigail agains smallpox. He also says that he has the right to think what he wants to, meaning that he could have his own personal bias as a right. The best resolution passed was that the united colonies have the right to make war, establish commerce, have peace and do all what other states have the right to do. America has much more wisdom than those of the British and he completely agrees with a separation having a good effect for them.

Rehtorical Devices:

Appeal to Reason: "In private Life, no one has a Right to censure me for following my own Inclinations, in Retirement, Simplicity and Frugality: in public Life, every Man has a Right to remark as he pleases at least he thinks so" (Adams 684).

This is important to the passage because it is stating the fact that everyone can think what they want to. No one has the right to restrict others the opinions of somebody. Relating to the passage because that is the only way they can have a free and independent states, having that specific freedom.

Appeal to Pity:

"America shall suffer Calamities still more wasting and Distresses yet more dreadfull" (Adams 684).

This is important to the passage because it expresses what people should feel for the calamities that could happen. Relating to the passage because if they don't get freedom and be independent, then they would suffer things that they shouldn't.

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Blog #4 FH

I've stand up, to refute what Patrick Henry is telling all of us. He is clearly trying to deceive us from what we truly need to think of. In his speech he refers to "We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interpositions to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament" (Henry). Patrick Henry refers that we "have" done everything that could be done to prevent the war but, he is totally lying to you. Have we tried to live with their rules? Have we tried to live with their taxes? Have we taken into consideration the great nation they are and all that protection that they are trying to give us? The British are actually trying to help us. Even though they are imposing tax on us they are giving us protection with their armies. But why do we respond with such boycott? They are helping us; they are not keeping us as slaves. Are they wiping us as slaves? Are they making us do hard work? No, of course not they are just imposing tax on us, for us to be safe. Patrick Henry also refers to "we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!" (Henry). Fight is not the only way to solve the problem; it will just end up in the death of many people. Patrick Henry, don't you realize that by fighting we could most probably lose the battle. Britain is already a great nation we are not. They have great technological advances, we know it. British are clearly superior than us, so if you can't beat them then join them. Imagine what a better life it would be without that fighting and living with peace with no deaths. The union between us is much better than trying to beat them or separate from them. Imagine us with the British united, wouldn't that be fantastic? All those different kinds of developments that would be lost through war, all those new relationships you could have and remember you were once a British. So those are the reasons why fight is not a solution, fight will just bring the colonists down for nothing, there will be no such independence through fight because we would lose. At the end, Patrick you also state that, "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" (Henry). So now tell me, are we actually slaves? Is giving us taxations, just for a better safety is for you that word you recall as slavery? If you call that slavery, tell me what was then what they did to Africans. Accept that we are not being treated as slaves you are just exaggerating. We aren't slaves we are free, we have liberty, we want to prosper but people such as you, Patrick Henry don't let us flourish. The only one who knows when to take your the life is God, you cannot take his role. So we must unite with those of the British, we must learn to live with them for a better nation!

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Blog #3 FH

This is a proposal that must be taken into consideration by all the nations of the world. If you really love and appreciate your life then you should follow this proposal, even though there will be people that won´t follow it there will be regulations for them. Suggestions such as this one are the ones that going to have a great impact on the world because this one consists in the eradication of all type of cigarettes. The next regulations must be used by all the congresses, to live in a better world and have better surroundings. First of all, people are severely damaged by the cigarettes. Cigarettes cause the lungs of an individual to be contaminated because of all that smoke that enters his or her body. Pollution is another factor that affects the world because of the cigarettes. All the smoke that is produced by the cigarettes just not affects the smoker; it affects all the community because the smoke does not disappear it just expands through the atmosphere affecting the health of all the societies in the world. So the congress needs to follow the next regulations to help the world. Regulations; all the companies that include cigarettes need to be shut down so that there is no more manufacturing of cigarettes. Even though people will lose their jobs, hopefully they will look for diverse options of other types of work. For those who don't stop the selling of cigarettes then, they should be fined with a life imprisonment. This should be able to pass as a law. That way it will bring benefits to the world. Treatments for cigarette diseases are not that cheap, they are actually very expensive. By eliminating all the cigarettes then this treatments will be no longer useful so that means that it will lower the costs of public health. Health is the most important things in every human beings life because without a good health there will not probably have a good life, meaning that with the eradication of cigarettes more people will enjoy their lives. Some cities of the world have not been able to develop because of this problem; many clever and intelligent citizens have not been able to help to the development of the world because they have been induced to the viciousness of cigarettes. Without cigarettes there will be a faster development without recidivists and there will also be less pollution. Even though the individual itself will have their own consequences (life imprisonment) if there is information of that person manufacturing or trying own, there is another consequence for the nation. Government will have the problem of higher health costs for them because there will be people with diseases and they will need higher health costs to maintain the society. In conclusion, these are the best regulations you could take to have the world have a drastic change this way we will have a safe future for us and for all the new generations that will be stepping the world sometime.