This article deals with a sport current event. It consists of an Iranian soccer player called Ali Karimi; he was removed by the team for not following the Islam religion. Ali is the captain of the team, but he did not fast during the month of Ramadan (holy month for the Iranian people) so he was punished by the Iranian Football Federation. The important person involved in this chaos is the player Ali and the IFF. The problem with this article is that they don't explain you what is fasting during the Ramadan. Meaning that maybe Ali Karimi wasn't able to perform it for some reason. The CNN Wire Staff have a personal bias in this article. Along all the article they mention just good things of the player, they state that he is the "Maradona of Asia" (Cnn Wire Staff). They also inform you his response that was "I am a Muslim. I do respect Islam" (Karimi). Using the quote of the player the article used you can infer that they were basically in favor of the player. An aspect of the event that is left out by the article is that they don't support with evidence what the player said when he supposedly insulted the IFF. Soccer players do not have to be judged by their religion. As they say in the article that Ali is "Maradona of Asia" (Cnn Wire Staff). It is appreciable (judging from the quote) that without Ali the Iranian team would become weaker. Even though he is not following his religion the federation does not need to mind if he does or not, its his business because he is the one who is going to get punished by his religion. Finally, if he is a good captain and a good soccer player the team should leave him play instead of getting rid of him.
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