domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Blog #2

During the last week Leonardo, the great president of the BlackBerry company (mostly known as BB company) had disappeared. Leonardo was a very nervous empresary because he knew that he gained so much money that lots of people could be jelouse of him. President Leonardo used to work in his office, a very stressed man, who didn't valued much his family. Another of Leonardo's aspects was that he only valued all his earnings in the company. After the incident, copious of news papers were sold out for this interesting case to be solved. Senator Ruth had informed the F.B.I. of the case, so he gave the duty to the F.B.I. of solving the crime. In the crime scene the F.B.I. could encounter only three transcendental objects, which were the following: a cellphone that had been appreciably marred by its owner, some gray hair in the sideway and some tire marks outside the company. For the F.B.I. this was more than enough to solve the mystery that was now placed, so they started to decipher this convoluted problem. They first decided to make a conjecture that consisted of an old kidnapper, that arrived with in a car and suddenly he braked in front of the edifice. He abruptly kidnapped the president and accidentally his phone fell during the act. First of all they started to figure out this intricate problem by finding out which was the brand of the cellphone. Experts of cellphones started out this painstaking job by disintegrating all the cellphone's parts. They finally got to the conclusion that the cellphone was the recent opponent of the BlackBerry phone, the Motorola phones. With this clue most of the case was know solved. The next thing the detectives noticed was the DNA of the gray hair corresponded to the president of all the country's taxis, Mr. Joe. After all this hard work to find out who was guilty, one of the F.B.I. agents got a recorded tape of the scene. It is appreciable in the scene that Mr. Joe had "successfully" captured the BlackBerry company president. But why did he had a Motorola phone? Phones like the Motorola one can save the recent calls made, so the next step was to detect who was the receptionists of this calls. Message texts and calls were given out from the evidence to the president of the Motorola company (Johnny), telling Mr. Joe that he would pay him ten million dollars for kidnapping the BlackBerry company president. Now they knew who were the guilty people of the crime but they still had something to find out, were was president Leonardo. They interviewed Mr. Joe and the president of Motorola company but neither both of them gave out info, so a third witness was called to the crime Mr. Johnny's driver. Mr. Johnny's driver was the key to the complete solution of the crime because he did not desist any important information so he confessed himself completely. Johnny's driver confessed that he had the job of taking a taxi to the graveyard and to place it in front of the graveyard. Deducing that the taxi taken to the grave was were president Leonardo was kidnapped they went to the grave and opened the trunk of the car were the president lied completely weak. Leonardo was placed in an hospital because his health was doing very poorly, fortunately for him the doctors prognosticated that he would be fine with in a week and a half. After his captiveness Leonardo started to figure out that money is not all the life is made out of, he now values his family more than he did before. With all this investigations and results Mr. Joe and the Motorola company president were going to be kept captive for their rest of their lives in jail. Finally, the case concluded that Johnny was very jelous that the other company was wining much more money than his so he decided to kidnap Leonardo in a clever way by making Mr. Joe an acomplice, making it more difficult to decipher who kidnaped him.

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Blog #1

This article deals with a sport current event. It consists of an Iranian soccer player called Ali Karimi; he was removed by the team for not following the Islam religion. Ali is the captain of the team, but he did not fast during the month of Ramadan (holy month for the Iranian people) so he was punished by the Iranian Football Federation. The important person involved in this chaos is the player Ali and the IFF. The problem with this article is that they don't explain you what is fasting during the Ramadan. Meaning that maybe Ali Karimi wasn't able to perform it for some reason. The CNN Wire Staff have a personal bias in this article. Along all the article they mention just good things of the player, they state that he is the "Maradona of Asia" (Cnn Wire Staff). They also inform you his response that was "I am a Muslim. I do respect Islam" (Karimi). Using the quote of the player the article used you can infer that they were basically in favor of the player. An aspect of the event that is left out by the article is that they don't support with evidence what the player said when he supposedly insulted the IFF. Soccer players do not have to be judged by their religion. As they say in the article that Ali is "Maradona of Asia" (Cnn Wire Staff). It is appreciable (judging from the quote) that without Ali the Iranian team would become weaker. Even though he is not following his religion the federation does not need to mind if he does or not, its his business because he is the one who is going to get punished by his religion. Finally, if he is a good captain and a good soccer player the team should leave him play instead of getting rid of him.